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It's a Hard Work but it's a GoodWork

The winter Kenyan sun, was beginning to set, but even then it still had the ability to make us sweat and search for shade under the tarp. Dusty, tired, and aching from being on our feet all day, there were still somehow smiles on everyone's face. Our work in the village of Kiathambu, situated in the arid mountains of East Africa, was coming to an end.

Today, was the farewell day. The dreaded day where we say our goodbyes. After an intensive and nonstop week of impact, we were all enjoying each other's company and reflecting on all the GoodWork that was accomplished during our short stay.

Well, mostly everyone was all smiles.

Scanning the crowd, I noticed my new found friend and his mother. Her eyes expressed a need that was discernable even beyond our language barrier. "What's going on?" I asked. Through our interpreter I discovered that her son recently enrolled in the County's Masonry School to better his prospects and provide income for the family.

Unfortunately, neither his mom nor he had the necessary funds for the school uniform. No school uniform. No school. I thought to myself, "how could that be?" - but I don't make the rules.

So after all of our hard work, after all of the good that was accomplished, here I was faced with the challenge: can I still do more?

Of course, being in a position to help - I helped. It's good to do good, right? Maybe I can't change the financial standings of the country. Maybe I don't have the ability to enact policy changes or a government funded multimillion-dollar budget, but I can do something, right?

Today, that son is in Masonry School now pursing his education to achieve his dreams of self-sufficiency and provision for himself and family. Encounters like these are the motivating factors behind GoodWorks International. We believe in the opportunity to create brighter tomorrows and better todays by addressing real time needs with real time solutions.

We envision GoodWorks to be a catalyst for change in the lives of ordinary, unseen, and under-resourced people and communities in our world. The work may be hard, the work may be often overlooked, but we believe the work is good.

I hope you consider partnering with us to do GoodWorks while we can.

**Who knows, maybe our goodbye was really a see you later. Tomorrow has yet to be written.

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